Groupe ABCD d'Akayange 

1 novembre 2023

In a recent focus group session with five members of our Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Group in Akayange, we had the opportunity to delve into their inspiring journey to success. Graduates from the same Leader Development Program cohort formed the group in May 2023, and it has since thrived.   

Le développement communautaire basé sur les atouts est une approche du développement communautaire qui se concentre sur l'identification et l'utilisation des forces et des atouts uniques au sein d'une communauté pour favoriser le développement durable. Ces efforts sont menés localement et produisent un changement positif durable.   

The Akayange group has implemented the ABCD model and showcased exceptional collaboration and resourcefulness. The group meets twice a month, and each member contributes to the group’s savings fund. Early in the group’s formation, it was recognized that each member brings a wealth of farming experience. Leveraging available resources like fertilizers, cow manure, and pesticides from fellow group members’ farms, along with a small loan from Kinvest, they initiated a mushroom farm venture.    

Après la première récolte, ils ont donné un rendement remarquable Retour sur investissement du 150%. Les bénéfices ont été réinvestis dans le groupe et distribués aux membres, leur permettant d'acquérir des terrains, de construire des maisons, d'investir dans l'éducation de leurs enfants, d'acquérir du matériel commercial et de soutenir l'économie locale.    

The Akayange community has recognized and appreciated the success of the ABCD group, and membership has expanded to 30 total members.  

The group’s long-term vision extends beyond mushroom farming, as they have already secured land to initiate maize and poultry farming. When asked about other plans, the group leader shared that establishing a market hub in Akayange would catalyze transformative impact. This market hub would streamline the sale of their products to the local community and provide a centralized platform for business, attracting high foot traffic and benefiting local businesses.  

A donation today will support the creation of the new Akayange Market Hub and stand as a beacon of hope for a thriving local economy. Join us in making a lasting difference. 

ABCD Group