Tujyane: Let’s Go Together

Nov 26, 2023

Transportation Image Transportation

Status :


Project Start Date :


Funds Required :


# of People Impacted :



Businesses powered by renewable energy

Help us raise funds for Tujyane, our innovative transportation service, connecting rural farmers and entrepreneurs in East Africa to higher-value markets.

We are committed to making rural transportation affordable, reliable, and eco-friendly.  

We currently transport a range of goods in Nyagatare District, including livestock, produce, equipment, raw materials, and clothing. 

Tujyane reduces transportation times by 400% and is 300% less expensive for local farmers and entrepreneurs.  

As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, we are going electric and have begun converting our vehicles to be 100% solar-powered.  

Going electric reduces costs and increases savings for our clients, all while powering rural development with renewable solar energy. 

Tujyane enables entrepreneurs to work towards a future where their businesses flourish and community prospers. With more time and financial resources, entrepreneurs can strategically plan, expand their businesses, and explore new markets.  

We invite you to join us as we continue to grow and evolve Tujyane.  

By donating today, you are helping us innovate and build five new electric vehicles.

Tujyane: let’s go together!