Tujyane’s Sustainable Transition
May 31, 2024
Introducing our Renewable Energy Solutions Partner!
We have teamed up with MeshPower, a Rwandan organization focused on innovating renewable energy solutions, to convert our Tujyane vehicles from gasoline to electric power. Tujyane, our e-mobility transportation service, aims to provide small businesses and farmers in Eastern Rwanda with a more affordable and eco-friendly commercial transportation option.
We will start converting our next vehicle this June, alongside MeshPower.
By switching to electric vehicles, we are cutting operating costs and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. This shift towards sustainability isn’t just good for the environment; it also means improved accessibility and connection in emerging markets.
Together with MeshPower, we are promoting innovation and improving mobility in the rural communities we serve. This partnership marks our commitment to powering rural development with renewable solar energy.
At Kinvest Impact, we build market innovations to accelerate economic development in rural Africa.
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