Entrepreneurial Journeys with Kinvest 

Feb 14, 2024

Meet Daniel, Liberata, and Console – catalytic leaders igniting change in their Rwandan communities. 

Through our holistic approach at Kinvest Impact, we build market-creating innovations to accelerate rural development.  

From our market hubs to leader development courses and transportation service, we partner with local entrepreneurs to generate transformative change. Daniel thrives as a tenant of our Nyenyeri Market Hub and contributes to community development. Liberata, a stall owner at our Gatebe night market, is shaping her future through our Leader Development Program. Console, from the Nyagashanga Market Hub, utilizes our Tujyane transportation service to fuel her retail business.  

Together, they embody the impact of our ecosystem-driven approach. We cannot wait to see what they do next.  
