Nyenyeri Market Hub
Dec 1, 2022
Number of families recieving clean water
Businesses powered by renewable energy
Leaders trained
Families in savings group
Nyenyeri, located in eastern Rwanda, is our most remote location–at times during the rainy season, road access can be difficult. Despite that, hundreds of new families have moved here in recent years because of the fertility of the soil, and a new community is emerging. The government suggested Nyenyeri as an ideal marketplace site because of its limited access to water and need for a community hub.
Since opening in March 2021, Nyenyeri Commons has become a vibrant community gathering space and a leader development hub. It is home to the highest number of business school cohorts and savings groups! Our efforts to bring clean water have already made a huge impact on community health and hygiene. In the future, we will look to improve transportation to Nyenyeri to reduce the cost of transporting goods in and out of the village.