Help Us Build the Akayange Market Hub

May 17, 2024

Markets Image Markets

Status :


Project Start Date :


Funds Required :


# of People Impacted :



Number of families recieving clean water


Businesses powered by renewable energy


Leaders trained


Families in savings group

Coming Soon: Our largest market hub yet! 

Construction of the Akayange Market Hub is scheduled to begin in June, and we need your help.  

This hub will serve over 2,000 families and support over 200 local businesses, fostering entrepreneurship and growth.  

It will feature: 

☀️ Solar-Powered Sustainability: With a capacity of 35 kWp, the hub will expand commercial and industrial work while allowing vendors to sell their goods well into the evening, unlocking new opportunities for economic growth.  

📚 Entrepreneurial Training: Equipped with a dedicated training room, the hub will serve as a base for our business school and leader development program, empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to grow their businesses.  

🛠️ Industrial Zone: From millers and carpenters to welders, the hub will provide much-needed space and energy for industrial workers to hone their craft and power the tools needed for their businesses to serve more clientele. 

🚚 Electric Vehicle Hub: Multiple of our electric Tujyane vehicles will be based at the hub and help local small businesses and farmers bring their goods to market.  

💧 Access to Clean Water: With a water kiosk on-site, all residents will have convenient access to clean, safe drinking water, promoting health and well-being and saving time and money.  

Before, residents of Akayange had to walk over three hours to reach the nearest market to sell their produce. By attracting high foot traffic and offering a central location for commerce, the hub will elevate incomes and foster transformation for the entire community.  

With your support, we can make this vision a reality and see the Akayange community thrive.