Juldas Niyomugabo

Jun 3, 2024

“There has been a big change in my business; if there wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here.”  

Before joining Kinvest, Juldas, a barber in Shimwa Paul, faced significant challenges in earning consistent revenue and affording electricity. In May 2023, motivated by the promises of consistent electricity, he joined our Shimwa Paul Market Hub. 

Access to electricity at our market hub has enabled Juldas to use his equipment reliably, which has attracted new customers. Over the past year, Juldas has experienced a remarkable 700% increase in monthly clientele.   

With increased income, Juldas has decorated his salon, purchased new equipment, and improved his personal finances. He joined savings groups, purchased land, and plans to build his own house. Looking ahead, he aims to expand his business by offering women’s salon services and hiring employees.  

Juldas’ vision extends to the entire Shimwa Paul community, hoping for increased water access and more business opportunities. 

“I have seen a lot of improvement at Shimwa Paul. Kinvest has connected people with modern practices through electricity and increased market access,” Juldas told us.  

Join us in helping local entrepreneurs like Juldas grow their businesses and invest in the future of their communities. Our next project is to build a new market hub in the Akayange community, which will serve as a solar-powered commercial and industrial space where over 200 small business owners can accelerate business growth.  
