Update on our Clean Water Initiative: Ivomo 

Oct 3, 2023

Water Image Water

Reliable access to clean water is a fundamental human right, yet many communities across the globe struggle to secure this essential resource. Within Rwanda’s Nyagatare District, the Nyagashanga community faces a persistent water need.  

In the arid terrain of Nyagashanga, residents rely on sporadic water access, available only once or twice a week. When the clean water supply runs out, people walk for over an hour for water that’s likely unsafe, leaving residents vulnerable to waterborne diseases.  

Our Clean Water Solution: Ivomo  

Our clean water program, Ivomo, provides a reliable, affordable clean water source for rural communities in Eastern Rwanda. We install solar-powered water wells that pump five times more water than was previously available. The networks of pipes bring water to where communities need it most. To ensure the sustained operation of the program, a dedicated local team of professionals oversees the water points and works with our clients. 

Our latest Ivomo project focused on extending sustainable water access to Nyagashanga. We drilled a borehole at Twigire, a Kinvest Produce farm, and built a two-kilometer pipeline directly to Nyagashanga. This innovative solution taps into the underground water reserves, ensuring a steady and sustainable clean water supply where the community needs it, from drinking and cooking to cleaning and home garden irrigation.  

Our dedication to providing clean water extends beyond Nyagashanga. We are actively working towards establishing two additional sustainable water access points within the Nyagatare District, serving the communities of Gasima and Karangazi.  

In Gasima, the closest water source is more than 30 minutes away, while in Karangazi, residents face an hour-long journey.  

Providing these communities with reliable and sustainable water sources improves health and hygiene and alleviates the economic burden on families who pay for limited and costly water alternatives. 

Our boreholes are more than water sources; they inspire hope and create opportunities for communities to flourish. We have already produced over 4 million liters of clean water, serving 10,000 people daily at 50% less cost than other water sources. 

Let’s envision a world where clean water is accessible to all. Join us in achieving this goal.