Voices from Nyagashanga: The Impact of a Water Kiosk 

Jul 22, 2024

In Nyagashanga, a community that once faced a severe shortage of clean water, life has transformed remarkably. With the help of Kinvest, water kiosks now supply clean water to the whole community. We spoke with some residents, who shared how this has enhanced their lives. 

“Before the water kiosk, getting clean water was very hard. I had to walk miles to get water from the river and swamp, which was often dirty. My children often got sick. Now, with clean water nearby, my kids are healthier, and I have more time to care for my family.” – Jane, mother of three children 

The students are more focused and active now that they aren’t getting sick from dirty water. The water kiosk has improved health, school attendance, and learning. It’s amazing to see the difference in our community.” – Amina, local schoolteacher  

A small business owner: “With clean water available, I’ve been able to grow my food business. My customers trust that the food is made with safe water, which has increased my sales and helped me support my family better.” – John, business owner 

The stories from Nyagashanga highlight the crucial role clean water plays in a community. The water kiosks are more than just sources of water; they have brought health, growth, and hope to everyone. 

There are still many communities without access to clean water in Eastern Rwanda. Donate today and bring clean water access to someone in need.  

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