Odette Uwiringiyimana

Dec 18, 2023

Working Out Of The :

Odette’s journey as an entrepreneur embodies determination and forward-thinking.    

With vocational training in shoemaking, Odette chose our Nyenyeri Market Hub as the base for her business due to its reliable electricity offering.   

Odette recognized the untapped potential of shoemaking in Nyenyeri, as people had to walk over 5 hours to buy or repair shoes. Over the past two months, she has focused on marketing her business, leveraging platforms like WhatsApp to engage with local customers and showcase her craftsmanship.    

As a new student in our Leader Development Program, Odette is learning the value of reinvesting income to grow her business. Her dream is to expand to offer tailoring services and create employment opportunities.  

The Nyenyeri Market Hub is a platform for Odette to boost the local economy.  

We look forward to sharing updates on her business! 
