Nyamirama ABCD Group 

Jul 31, 2024

“If it wasn’t for Kinvest training, we wouldn’t be here with this project running.” 

In April, the Nyamirama ABCD Group in Eastern Rwanda, made up of 21 members, started a rabbit farming project.  All members of the Asset-Based Community Development group graduated from our Leader Development Program in March, gaining valuable skills and a shared vision for their community. 

Rabbit farming was chosen for its affordability and profitability, with rabbits proving valuable for both meat production and nutrient-rich fertilizer. Starting with 15 rabbits, the number has now increased to 19. The group also plans to add goats and pigs soon. In the future, they hope to buy land to start a farm and increase their collective finances to reinvest in the group’s projects. 

Out of the 21 members, 16 are women. Before, women in the Nyamirama community were not involved in entrepreneurial activities. Many testified to now feeling confident to participate in their community’s development and they play a key role in the group’s success.  

The group dreams of better infrastructure and more community facilities in Nyamirama. They believe this will make their community stronger and more prosperous. 

At Kinvest, we build market innovations to accelerate economic development in rural Africa. Together, our four essential solutions foster local-led, sustainable economic growth. The Nyamirama ABCD Group’s story shows how our training and support can help communities grow and thrive, building a brighter future for everyone. 
