Nyenyeri ABCD Group
Apr 29, 2024
This week, the Nyenyeri ABCD group welcomed ten piglets!
Last fall, seven Leader Development graduates pooled their resources to start a pig farm.
The group’s leader, Olivier, who is also a tenant at the Nyenyeri Market Hub, shared, “We started with two pigs, but we plan to extend the operation depending on our strength as a group and ability to put our savings together in the future.”
The group plans to raise the ten piglets and sell them in the local market once fully grown. They expect an impressive 500% return on investment.
The Nyenyeri ABCD Group exemplifies what asset-based community development is all about- utilizing a community’s unique strengths and assets to foster local-led transformation.
Our Leader Development training serves as a platform for groups to gather and become equipped to lead ABCD initiatives in their local communities.
The group was featured in the mini-documentary Entrepreneurial Journeys with Kinvest, released earlier this year. View the post below to learn more about their story.