Staff Highlight: Damascene

Aug 14, 2024

Meet Damascene, our dedicated Nyenyeri Hub Operator, who began his journey with us as a tenant at the hub operating a bakery. Damascene is a key player in our team, fostering growth and community spirit in Nyenyeri. 

How did you come to know about Kinvest? 

I was introduced to Kinvest by my friend, Canisius, one of our Leader Development trainers. He knew about my aspirations and saw the potential for me to grow with the opportunities that Kinvest provides through the market hub. 

How has Kinvest impacted your professional growth? 

Before joining Kinvest, I worked in a local bakery. This job provided me with a basic income but limited opportunities for growth. I gained valuable insights through Kinvest’s training program and rented a space at the Nyenyeri Market Hub for a year before joining the team as the hub operator.  

What business did you start after joining Kinvest, and what inspired it? 

After joining Kinvest, I started a pig farming business. The inspiration for this came from the training I received at Kinvest, which emphasized the importance of diversification and seizing new business opportunities. The practical skills and business management techniques I learned gave me the confidence to venture into pig farming, which has since become profitable for me. 

What have you learned since joining the Kinvest team? 

The collaborative environment at Kinvest has taught me the value of teamwork and effective communication. I have grown closer to my colleagues, and we support each other in both professional and personal matters. This sense of community has been instrumental in my personal and professional development. 

 What are your future aspirations with Kinvest? 

I aspire to expand my pig farming business and explore agricultural opportunities. Additionally, I aim to continue growing within Kinvest, taking on more responsibilities and contributing to the organization’s success. The skills and experiences I gain at Kinvest will undoubtedly help me achieve these goals and secure a better future for myself and my family.